DEAR AMY: I've been dating a guy for about a year. Our relationship got serious very fast. We moved across the country together to be close to his family. Ever since we moved here, he has shown his true colours.
WORCESTER - The former pastor of a Leominster church was sentenced to 10 to 12 years in state prison yesterday after being convicted last month of having sex with a 14-year-old female parishioner.
Question by sd: What's the issue most people have with promiscuous (yet safe) sex withstanding a relationship?
What's the deal? Understanding that we all have high level sex drives, and that we are bombarded by images of sex in the media, as well as our personal lives all day long- what is the incentive to fight against this?
In addition, what is the strain on a relationship if we all acknowledge that sex can be enjoyed for it's own benefit, and that it's not something unique between individuals in a committed relationship? If anything it seems we (and by "we" I really mean YOU guys) are setting ourselves up for failure by establishing unnatural boundaries. WE as humans WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE! I'd think this would obvious at this stage. -- This however doesn't have to interfere in a relationship, unless of course your partner is admitting that they are only good for sex, right? (You should only be in relationships with people whom you enjoy beyond sex anyway)
Sex is often times just carnal pleasure, and wanting to do it with various sometimes random people is nothing unnatural. Legally forcing yourself to be monogamous however is unnatural. If I go around F'ing a new woman every other day, but come home to you every night, that means I like you. Appreciate that and go find an authentic and complete connection with another which goes beyond sex, so much so that having sex with someone else is simply that- sex, not "cheating". ________ Austin- Your examples speak towards fulfilling a desire that would be to the direct detriment to others, I feel mine doesn't. It's obvious there is a moral aversion to promiscuous sex outside of the argument against std's and unwanted pregnancies.
_______ Asian- Yes we (at least most people) do have urges to have sex with other people on at least a weekly basis. We hold this back for what reason exactly? - Std's & pregnancies.. sure, these can be an issue>> so take precautions and do what you need. However, I still believe you take issue with the idea even beyond std's and pregnancy, as do most. My sincere belief is that we are insecure with our personal worth (I'll explain this further later). We *know that just being ourselves is not enough to satisfy another person, no.. we have to also restrict that person from outside sex, and sometimes even impose financial punishments for the potential of infidelity or termination of relationship. We are very insecure people
Best answer:
Answer by Blue Christian- Miss my baby. The incentive to fight? 1) Safe sex is a myth. Condoms aren't foolproof and neither are pills or IUDs. People still spread diseases and still have unwanted pregnancies. 2) You are not some rutting animal incapable of controlling your base drives (general "you", not specific!). 3) It is immoral behaviour. 4) It's a waste of time and in the long run it really isn't fulfilling.
People use the whole "humans aren't naturally monogamous" thing as an excuse to justify acting like an animal. Personally, I don't buy that. Yeah, we get attracted to more than one person. So what? Should we just give in to every urge? Does the natural-ness (like my new word? lol) of a feeling mean that there is nothing wrong with it?
And this: "If I go around F'ing a new woman every other day, but come home to you every night, that means I like you. Appreciate that and go find an authentic and complete connection with another which goes beyond sex, so much so that having sex with someone else is simply that- sex, not "cheating"."
Kama, Sutra, India, Ancient, Heritage, ARYAN, SHIVA, ÐÐÐ'Ð
ARYAN HERITAGE CALLED KAMA SUTRA IS THE OPPOSITE TEACHING TO OCCULT ABRAHAMIC RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE - THE DOCTRINE OF ORIGINAL SIN. "Therefore, just as through one person sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all, inasmuch as all sinned..." Romans 5:12. THIS IS THE ANCIENT OSIRIAN IDEOLOGY OR THE OCCULT DOCTRINE OF ABSOLUTELY ALL ABRAHAMIC (OSIRIAN) RELIGIONS. Have you ever thought why the world needs Messiah? Have you ever thought about why do you need the salvation and from what/whom in particular? Have you ever thought from where THE ORIGINAL SIN IDEOLOGY came from? IN ITS OWN MATRIX THE ORIGINAL SIN FORMULA is pretty occult but very simple to decipher. In order to understand God (and everything IT includes) you need a salvation, to have a salvation you need redemption, to be redeemed and to be saved you definitely need THE SAVIOR. Since mortal human cannot save, the future Savior must be immortal, thus Savior becomes to be a GOD. Savior MUST BE REVEALED, SAVIOR MUST HAVE THE ADVERSARY, since without one SAVIOR WOULD NOT BE A SAVIOR (no reason in salvation), in addition Savior must be revealed by/in GENEALOGY and BLOODLINE. Sounds familiar? Behind the described above HOAX is the SIMPLEST MATHEMATICAL ALGORITHM that is widely used in programming - [...if, then...], where if you agree to at least one [...if,] sub-assembly, you HAVE TO AGREE [then...] TO THE WHOLE ASSEMBLY OF CREATED ALGORITHM. In another words - YOU MUST ACCEPT THE NOTION ...
Having, People, Nice, photos, About, Talk, Long, Night
by Newslink Hellas
Question by Jim Jim: Why do people talk about having sex all night long?
Honestly after a few hours you and your respective genitals start to get sore. And I need a piss and a ciggarette.
Best answer:
Answer by Avengelyne Well what they mean is foreplay too. Ive had sex 6 times in one night and it was 5:00 in the morning before we went to sleep. We would play around then screw then smoke a cigarette and rest and talk then fool around and then screw then smoke then talk and so one.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Jenna Jameson and Wanda Sykes discuss how to keep things hot in a relationship
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